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Sansevieria mix (Sansevieria Cylindrica Mix)
Sansevieria mix (Sansevieria Cylindrica Mix)
Sansevieria (lat. Sansevieria trifasciata Moonshine Decorum)
Sansevieria (lat. Sansevieria trifasciata Moonshine Decorum)
Sansevieria Laurentii
Sansevieria Laurentii
Sansevieria "Hahnii" mix
Sansevieria "Hahnii" mix
Sansevieria Hanni medium
Sansevieria Hanni medium
Сансивиерия Лаурентия (Sansevieria Laurentii)
Сансивиерия Лаурентия (Sansevieria Laurentii)
Sansevieria Laurentii L
Sansevieria Laurentii L
Sansevieria  in pots
Sansevieria in pots
Sansevieria Mikado 3
Sansevieria Mikado 3
Sansevieria Mikado 2
Sansevieria Mikado 2
Sansevieria Mikado 1
Sansevieria Mikado 1
Flocked sansevieria mikado 2
Flocked sansevieria mikado 2
Sansevieria Big Leaf
Sansevieria Big Leaf

Sansevieria is an ornamental plant that many people know as “mother-in-law’s tongue.” The culture is unpretentious in care. It attracts attention due to its long and beautiful leaves with a dense structure. There are slight patterns on the surface of the plates, and there may be yellow stripes along the edges. Group planting has an attractive appearance. In this case, one pot can contain a large number of leaves, which makes the whole composition more rich and attractive.

The florist salon “LoraShen” offers to buy sansevieria at an affordable price. This is a plant that grows in southern Asia, India and America. Due to their unpretentiousness, they can be easily grown at home. Even a novice gardener can easily cope with growing them. Therefore, they can often be seen in modern interiors. Due to their attractive appearance, these plants are often used for interior decoration.

The plant is distinguished by a clear leaf structure that grows from the very base of the roots. They can grow more than 1 meter in length. The peculiarity of this plant is that it can differ in different shades of green. With proper care you can achieve beautiful flowering. After it, fruits are formed in the form of spherical berries. However, it is very rare to see them bloom.

Main types

We offer different types of sansevieria to buy in Kyiv. They all differ from each other in some ways. Their leaves can form patterns in the form of:

  • divorces
  • inclusions;
  • lines.

The presence of these patterns makes the plant more attractive and expressive against the background of other flowers with monochromatic leaves. Other plant species have patterns of varying shades of green on their leaf blades.

The following varieties are very popular:

  • pick;
  • graceful;
  • big;
  • three-lane;
  • cylindrical;
  • robusta;
  • futura
  • bentl.

In all these varieties, a rosette is formed at the base. This gives the impression that the flower is growing in the form of a bush. The leaf blades are large in shape and have a sharp tip. Most species have foliage with a light border.

Features of cultivation and care

In order to achieve a healthy appearance of the plant, the Sancheveria flower must be grown in certain conditions.

This is a light-loving plant, so it needs a good level of lighting. It is best if the plant is placed on a windowsill with windows facing west or south. One of the main advantages of this plant is that it can grow actively at any temperature. Even if the room is a little cool, the flower will not suffer from it. Also, you don’t need to think too much about feeding. It can be performed once a year. If you want the plant to feel even better, you can do this more often. There will be no harm from this.

On summer days, when the sun is high in the sky, the flower must be hidden in the shade. Otherwise, direct rays of the sun will leave burns on the leaves. The main rule when caring for a flower is proper watering. There is no need to allow water to stagnate in the soil. The fact is that the roots of the plant are very sensitive to excess moisture and in a constantly humid environment they will quickly rot. In summer, the plant develops well at temperatures within 20-25 degrees. And in winter it is better to provide it with coolness within 11-14 degrees.