Big romantic bouquet Hera
Big romantic bouquet Hera
Big romantic bouquet Hera
Big romantic bouquet Hera

Big romantic bouquet Hera

Article: 1414
12340 UAH
  • Description
  • Composition
The goddess Hera is the most powerful of the goddesses of Olympus, the wife of Zeus.
A woman who has chosen her own path, met the man of her life, always feels like a Hero.
She feels her power, knows the value of actions, she is generous and is not afraid to attract attention to herself.
For a series of bouquets dedicated to Hera, we have chosen a rich and bright, but noble and elegant color of Marsala, at the same time we have embodied all the tenderness and grace of such a Woman in shades of pastel pink.
Exceptional selection flowers, peacock feathers and golden exotic leaves became allusions of a silver chariot with golden wheels, which was carried by a peacock carrying it into the distance.

40 см 


40 см 


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