Floral Arrangements of Events for brands and media

Subtle floral conceptual accents for business events such as negotiations, round tables, conferences and presentations, as well as decorations for filming on television or for advertising campaigns are long a sign of good taste in America and Europe. The trend is already relevant in Ukraine.
LoraShen florists know how to add fine and elegant touch to a business event, place right accents through the right colours, and to brand the organizing company using flowers, if need be.
For official events, the company has such options:
1. Floral interior décor for the event registration area.
2. Minimalist and fine corporate flower arrangements.
3. Floral compliments for press packages, guests of the event.
4. Themed photo zone.
5. Decorative logo of the organizing company, using fresh flowers and décor, according to the brand’s brand book to highlight and emphasize the brand image at the event.
Custom ordering of flowers from anywhere in the world for an event, own courier delivery service are the strengths of LoraShen. When ordering décor for business events with us, you can forget about the floral décor related fuss, we will take charge of this.

For more information or to request a personal project,
please call +380672477971 or email shop@lorashen.com.ua


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A conference or any business meeting always implies the conclusion of an important agreement or the adoption of serious decisions. Therefore, this event should be held at the highest level. The organizers are faced with the task of creating the most comfortable and favorable conditions for all participants, so that one side can present its arguments in a quality manner, and the other side can see all the advantages in them.

At most conferences, a large amount of information is voiced, which should be fully assimilated by the audience. A properly created aesthetic environment will help with this. To relax the participants and listen to the speaker's performances in a comfortable environment, you can use various flower arrangements and installations. With their help, the hall will create a favorable environment for performances, negotiations, conclusion of transactions and other transactions with colleagues and business partners.

Events and features of their design

The most effective sales happen after the product is presented correctly. If you want to convey to the audience the main benefits of a product or service, then it must be done with the utmost grace. This should be done against an attractive background. The design of business events will not be effective if the speaker stands against the background of one screen and an empty stage.

If you are presenting a product, then we recommend you arrange a beautiful and attractive showcase or stand for it, which will be decorated with the experienced hand of professional florists. Any product that will be highlighted with the help of a living ornament will significantly increase its presentability and will look completely different in the eyes of guests and potential buyers.

As for conferences, any negotiations or presentation of information is much better perceived when the interior of the hall is decorated with fresh flowers. The role of plants in this case is very valuable. Especially when it comes to filming with the presence of journalists. If the conference will be partially or completely shown on television, then the presence of a bright and vivid picture is a must.

If you want your event to be held at a decent level, and a TV camera operator could display a pleasing picture on TV monitors, then make sure that the tribune or table where the negotiators or guests of honor will sit, as well as other participants in the meeting, were decorated at the proper level.

Combined approach to conference design

If you need to hold a conference of regional or national importance, then you should make sure that its external design is carried out taking into account the smallest details. Aesthetic design plays an important role in this, which will help:

  • hold a conference in a pleasant atmosphere;
  • create a certain flavor;
  • to enhance the solemnity of the event;
  • improve the image of the conference organizers.

For everything to look perfect, a combined approach is needed. In this case, specialists are working on the general style of the hall design and on each separate zone. All design must be in the same style. The main emphasis is created in those places where the speakers will be and where the gaze of the TV cameras will be directed.

For large and mass events, it will not be superfluous to decorate the approaches to the conference hall. For this, original flower arrangements can be installed on staircases and entrances. Particular attention should be paid to the negotiating table. Vases with fresh flowers can be installed on it, which will simultaneously decorate the table and at the same time will not interfere with the participants in the meeting. It is also important to decorate the central podium or the place of the main speaker in an original way. It is necessary to take care of the design of the photo zone, against which some participants can give interviews.

The combined design of the conference involves the use of various flower arrangements, which, with all their diversity, will create a single and laconic decor. It is important not to overlook every detail in order to create a colorful picture for the viewer.

Event decoration services

The services of florists include the creation of subtle floral accents that will make it possible to organize a business event with a sign of good taste. At the same time, professionals in the field of floristry do everything in such a way as to unobtrusively emphasize the theme of the event and place the right accents around the entire perimeter of the hall. If necessary, employees will create a floral logo or company slogan.

We are ready to provide the following services in the field of interior design for conferences at the highest level:

  • stage design or event registration area;
  • decoration of the negotiation table;
  • bouquets of flowers as compliments and congratulations for guests and participants;
  • conceptual design of the photo zone;
  • interior decoration in corporate colors to enhance the image and presentability of the conference.

Services include the use of all kinds of flowers. At the request of the customer, certain types of plants will be selected, from which unique compositions will be made.

Our services also include the creation of original installations. To highlight a stage or a central meeting place, our staff will create an impressive display that will become the centerpiece of the entire conference. It will definitely be a creative design of fresh flowers that will definitely attract the attention of all visitors.

Advantages of conference design at LoraShen

Our company has tremendous experience in the design of conferences, business negotiations, round tables and presentations. We are ready to place an individual order using any kind of flowers that are best suited for the decoration of the room.

By ordering services for the design of events from us, you can be completely sure that the hall will be decorated with the latest trends and at a professional level. We take responsibility for:

  • the hall was completely decorated with flower arrangements before the event;
  • the decoration of the conference room was done only with fresh flower arrangements;
  • all customer requirements were met.

The LoraShen company is your reliable partner who is ready to come to your aid whenever you need it. Looking through our portfolio, you can be sure that we have organized serious events many times and have extensive experience in decorating interiors. We will ensure quality, efficiency and affordable cost for all services.

🌌 Why do you need a conference design?

Of course, the organizational component is critical to the success of any such meeting. But the visual accompaniment of the event also plays an important role. LauraShen's corporate identity, space design, convenient zoning, stage and hall design, clear navigation - all this directly affects how the event will be perceived by its participants and guests, as well as journalists who cover it, and ordinary citizens who find themselves in the center events.

📝 What does the conference decoration include?

Our company carries out a full range of works on the design of forums and congresses, which includes:

  • development of a conceptual idea of ​​event design;
  • design of entrance groups, foyers and registration areas;
  • zoning space by means of design;
  • design of printing materials;
  • design of small architectural forms and decorative structures.

🌟 What are the advantages of arranging an event in LoraShen?

When ordering the decoration of an event or conference from us - whether it is a presentation, scientific meeting or business forum - you can be absolutely sure that the event will be held at the highest visual level, will please all guests and participants and will collect positive responses from journalists - that is, it will become truly important and bright event.

🤩 What are the additional options for conference design?

Events such as a conference or business meeting usually do not involve a lot of lighting. But if the decoration of the conference room is made with beautiful fabrics, additional lighting will not be needed. Supplex and other stretch canvases used to create design compositions are capable of accepting and beautifully scattering any artificial light.