50 Shades of Love

50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
50 Shades of Love
Red color may be different - passionate and fatal, soft and intoxicating, risky and heart burning! Those who choose it as a wedding color come into the spotlight and draw the eye, they admire and mystify others.
Our incredible couple – Inna and Evgeniy – are just the same – loving, daring and remarkable. As a couple they embody love! We undertook to fulfil their long-held dream, and literally transformed the entire wedding space into an abode of passionate and tender love!
The name 50 Shades of Love just blew in by itself. After all, this great feeling has as rich palette the red colour does. Nearly 5,000 roses of various varieties and shades – burgundy and ruby, coral and carmine, lingonberry and watermelon – were ordered for the celebration. Sensual floral arrangements were like flame in the wedding halls, including the presidium area and the candy bar, the photo zone and the festive table, the lounge area and the newlyweds’ house. Flowers and decorations, table setting and a garden house generously decorated with flowers, crystals and candles of the colour of true love – unforgettable wedding in the best Hollywood traditions!

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