Landscaping of public spaces

How much time does a modern person spend at airports, shopping malls, co-working spaces, railway stations, parks? We believe that it is time for British scientists to count the hours so as not to overestimate the importance of comfort and a favorable environment in them.
The LoraShen landscaping team knows how to create this favorable environment in public spaces.
1. Plants captivate with their shades of green. This color creates a feeling of comfort, even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the airport or train station. Helps the eyes of a person to rest and relax.
2. Comfortable waiting areas. Functional benches in a modern design that serve as both resting places and flowerpots for plants - we can design and manufacture such structures that will ideally complement the space and be convenient for visitors.
3. Selection and care of plants. We do not just select plants according to their height and beauty, but also take care that they can survive and take root in certain conditions. In addition, we provide a plant care service from our landscapers.
Create not just a public space, but a place of power in a big city. And we will be happy to help you with this!

For more information or development of an individual project
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Landscaping at "Boryspil" airport

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Japanese garden in IQ Business Center

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Modern public places, where a large number of people regularly accumulate, require special attention to the aesthetic design of the interior space. First of all, this is initially laid down by architects when designing interior design. However, this should not stop when designing public buildings. After all, you can use decorative greenery to decorate them.

This approach to the design of space also applies to the areas adjacent to the building. Landscaping of adjacent territories allows you to distinguish the premises from the background of other structures and draw attention to it from passers-by. To decorate the space, you should contact the experts. After all, decoration should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of growth and care of plants. It is necessary to simultaneously combine the beauty and the ability of plants to quickly take root and delight everyone for a long time.

Landscaping of territories from LoraShen Studio

Our company practices an integrated approach to landscaping. Over the years, we have completed a large number of projects, which allowed us to gain tremendous experience. We employ professionals in their field. They know well how to use live plants so that they:

  • create a unique impression;
  • harmoniously combined with each other;
  • required minimal care;
  • helped to purify indoor air;
  • succinctly fit into the interior and complement it.

Floristry is a subtle art of space planning, where it is necessary to take into account:

  • what size the plant will reach in a few years;
  • automatic watering;
  • combination with other plants that are already on the site or indoors;
  • climatic conditions.

When landscaping territories, our specialists take into account all the smallest details so that the implemented project is completed for a long time, and it does not take much effort to care for the plants.

We are proud to carry out landscaping:

  • Boryspil airport;
  • events for IQOS;
  • premises for Ukrainian Fashion Week.

There are many landscaping projects on our list:

  • hotels;
  • restaurants;
  • shopping centers;
  • courtyard areas.

The capabilities of LoraShen allow you to start implementing large-scale projects. We make quick decisions and create unique designs using flowers, shrubs, trees as well as other plants.

Landscaping of cafes and restaurants

A special atmosphere and color must be created for visitors to cafes and restaurants. After all, many come to these places not only to eat, but also to relax and chat in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

What could be better than a combination of restaurant furniture items along with live plants. Each visitor will definitely want to stay in such an institution as long as possible and come back to it again. After all, the presence of greenery allows a person to get aesthetic pleasure from the time spent.

Competent interior design of a catering facility is a profitable investment in business development. This approach will increase attendance and the amount of time that the visitor will spend in the restaurant.

The presence of green living spaces will give your customers a sense of comfort and security. Our phytodesign specialists competently select:

  • plants;
  • pots and flowerpots;
  • flower arrangements.

Preserved plants can be used instead of live flowers. First of all, it is necessary to note the possibilities that moss and climbing plants provide for decorating the interior. With their help, you can create vertical walls and transform the interior space in different planes. Stabilized plants can please their appearance for several years without caring for them.

Do not forget that you need to focus not only on the interior design, but also on the decoration of the summer playground. The way the terrace will be decorated plays an important role both for the comfort of visitors and for people who pass by. And these are always your potential customers.

The following factors influence the choice of plants:

  • lighting level;
  • room dimensions;
  • institution concept;
  • internal design;
  • corporate colors.

According to this principle, it is possible to carry out landscaping of hotels and hotels, as well as other establishments for the provision of various services.

To decorate catering establishments, you can give preference to such plants:

  • palms and ficuses - well suited for decorating cafes serving classic European dishes;
  • orchids and bonsai - will add a touch of the east to the room. Great for sushi bars and Pan-Asian restaurants;
  • citrus fruits - an impeccable option for a restaurant with Italian cuisine;
  • succulents - associated with cafes serving Mexican dishes;
  • dracaena and yucca - suitable for landscaping fast foods.

For small cafes, you should not choose outdoor plants. In this case, you can decorate shelves and tables, as well as fix plants in limbo. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the height of the plants so that they do not block the view of people who are sitting opposite each other. On the table should be plants and flowers that have neutral odors.

For large and spacious establishments, you can use outdoor plants, the pots of which are preferably fixed to the floor to avoid accidental tipping. Climbing plants will look very impressive in a cafe or restaurant.

Since in a restaurant and cafe a person is in close proximity to plants that stand next to or on the table, careful care must be planned for them. They need to be shaped and dusted regularly to keep them looking fresh.

Landscaping of residential complexes and spaces

The residential area, where a large number of people live in multi-storey buildings, also needs to be tidy. Having invested once in the landscaping of courtyards, you can create an original landscape ensemble for the entire area. If you plant trees and shrubs correctly, you can successfully ennoble the territory, where at the same time there will be a place for:

  • play area for children;
  • walks with strollers;
  • walking pets.

Our specialists are ready to select attractive plantings and plant them taking into account the characteristics of the area, as well as the wishes of the customer. Landscaping can also be carried out in the fay or entrance. It is always a pleasure to look when beautiful indoor plants are located on the windowsills, and the hall is decorated with a floor composition in the form of a small tree or shrub in a flowerpot.

Today, the construction of modern residential complexes is not complete without careful planning for the landscaping of the local area. The creation of such zones by our specialists allows us to solve several issues:

  • improvement of the social environment;
  • increase in space for comfortable walks;
  • reduction in the number of mud zones during heavy rains;
  • increasing biodiversity;
  • positive impact on children;
  • air purification;
  • decoration of the aesthetics of the residential complex.

You can enlist our support and we will implement a project of any complexity for you.

Landscaping and gardening of industrial areas

There is always a large space in front of the entrance of a plant or factory. In order for the company to keep its brand and its status, most of them necessarily equip green areas in front of the checkpoint.

Landscaping of territories of industrial enterprises has a wide scope. Lawns with a lawn, as well as a large abundance of trees and shrubs, must be provided here. For such large-scale projects, specialists should be accepted, which the LoraShen company is ready to provide.

Landscaping of shopping centers

Shopping centers are an important place for landscaping. This is a space where people come for shopping and family vacations at the same time. Therefore, to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, it is necessary to carry out landscaping of the shopping center. Our florists do this using modern techniques and trends.

Professional landscaping allows you to perform space zoning and make boutique windows more attractive to customers. It is important to take care of decorating the central zone through which the maximum flow of people passes. In this case, it is worth choosing landscaping with the help of stabilized or artificial plants, since strong air flow, high humidity and temperature changes can adversely affect living plants.

If you want to carry out landscaping in any room or near it in an original and exclusive way, then contact us for professional help. Our employees will go to the site, conduct a thorough analysis and, taking into account your wishes, develop a unique landscaping design.

๐Ÿ’ฒ What is included in the cost of landscaping services for shopping and business centers?

The cost of our services includes the development of a design concept for landscaping. The final price also consists of the expended plants and materials, as well as the time that was spent on all the work. Our task includes the design, delivery and planting of plants. All work is correlated with the budget of the customer.

๐Ÿ“ Is it possible to order landscaping of the store?

You can contact us about the landscaping of any premises, including a boutique or a store. We listen to all the suggestions and wishes of the customer and select plants taking into account the exterior of the store and the arrangement of the space. All work is carried out quickly and efficiently, taking into account modern trends in the field of gardening and floristry.

๐Ÿ“ฒ How to call a yard landscaping specialist?

The customer needs to call the contact phone number to contact the manager. After a telephone conversation, an employee will come to you at a convenient time and conduct an analysis of the territory on the spot and resolve all issues related to the cost, development of the design of the project and the timing of its implementation.