Tips for beautiful flower photography with a phone


Starting from early spring, when the first blooms appear, the season opens for flower photography enthusiasts. During the winter, the focus is more on indoor flower photography, but with the arrival of warm days, you can take your phone outside and capture vibrant outdoor shots.

There are countless flower photos on the internet, so if you want your photo to stand out, you need to know how to photograph flowers with a phone to make your pictures original, high-quality, and eye-catching. To capture the viewer's attention and present an engaging image on social media, you must employ various techniques and be open to experimentation.

Change the Angle

There are no strict rules on how to photograph flower bouquets correctly. The same plant or floral composition can look entirely different from different angles. If you don't want a dull shot, avoid photographing at eye level. Experiment with the camera angle. You can lower the phone, shoot from above, or place the flower not in the center but in a corner or side of the frame.

Clear the Background and Choose the Right Distance

If you're unsure how to photograph flowers and want to do so without preparing the background, it will be challenging to capture a quality shot. The overall impression of the photo largely depends on the background. There should be no chaos in the background. Compose the shot to highlight the flower bud beautifully, ensuring nothing in the frame distracts the viewer from the plant. During the shoot, small details may appear in the picture, often noticeable when photographing flowers in a garden. In such cases, try using the macro mode. This will allow you to take a close-up shot and eliminate minor background details.

Other Helpful Tips

If you want to know how to photograph flowers beautifully, consider the following recommendations:

  • Use a Tripod: A tripod is not always convenient outdoors, but if you're taking a close-up, find a stable place for your phone. A tripod is best to avoid camera shake and blurry images. In this case, it's most convenient to shoot with a timer.
  • Block the Wind: Even a slight breeze can blur the shot, especially in close-ups. To block the wind, use a piece of plywood, a reflector, an umbrella, or another object to prevent the wind from moving the plants while you photograph them.
  • Expand Your View: Try photographing multiple plants instead of a single flower. This could be a lush bouquet or a whole field. Find a small area where many different plants bloom simultaneously. In this case, avoid focusing on details and take a wide shot. For a more dramatic effect, use the panorama mode on your smartphone.
  • Create a Sense of Motion: In some cases, you can use the wind to your advantage for a creative photo. Set your phone on a tripod and narrow the aperture, resulting in a long exposure. You can reduce it with a filter, creating a dynamic image with slight blurring.
  • Add Water Drops to Petals: Photos of flowers with water droplets look stunning, reflecting light and adding a sparkle. Great shots can be captured in the morning at sunrise when dew is present. Alternatively, you can add droplets by sprinkling water on the petals.
  • Photograph at Sunset or Sunrise: Low sunlight creates a unique and beautiful effect. Place the subject between the camera and the sun, creating beautiful backlit photos where the sun peeks slightly from behind the flower.

Remember that to achieve an original photo, constant experimentation is necessary. When photographing a bouquet, try showing the composition from different angles, or focus on a part of the bouquet, letting the viewer imagine the whole picture.

If you need original bouquets for photos or want to order flowers, visit the "LoraShen" floral salon. You'll find beautiful arrangements for luxurious and unique photographs.