Envelopes ceramic collection

Someone might say that writing long letters to each other is old fashion. But every day proves us otherwise, when you ask us to write few lines to attach to the bouquets for your loved and dear ones. And each of you is a little bit of a poet, when he loves and appreciates. And these words are usually filled with sensuality, sincerity and genuineness. We decided to rekindle a beautiful tradition and created a collection of the most charming floral Letters of Happiness. Ceramic envelopes filled with flowers, they are about the most important things: love, friendship, sincerity, life. Also, our ceramic envelopes can be used as a key box, key holder, makeup brush cup holder.

For more information or to request a personal project,
please call +380672477971 or email shop@lorashen.com.ua


Ceramic Envelopes

Someone might say that writing long letters to each other is old fashion. But every ...
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